get to know COURAGE


We were born with the mission of bringing people closer to a healthy lifestyle and towards total well-being by combining the sporting and physical factor with the emotional and human one.

Our goal is to transmit the benefits of CrossFit and bring them closer to anyone inside and outside the box, regardless of age, sex, preferences or physical condition.

At Courage we have a clear vision of improving the world through CrossFit.

At Courage, people come first. We work by and for them. Therefore, the human team is essential. When a team is made up of dedicated, passionate, qualified people united on the same path, magic happens.

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  1. Nourish your body and mind
  2. Live longer and better
  3. Celebrate moments with your family and friends
  4. Support the community
  5. Grow and train intelligently and completely
  6. As soon as you take the first step, you will want it more every day, you will feel better and you will notice an energy that will make you ready for anything.
  7. Make this last. The more you learn the better you will do it, the more you will like it
  8. Pursue your passions




Our family continues to grow and we are getting closer to you.

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At Courage, people come first. We work by and for them. Therefore, the human team is essential. When a team is made up of dedicated, passionate, qualified people united on the same path, magic happens.

Our specialty is CrossFit and functional training, but we are also specialized in mobility, resistance, and different complementary activities.

Do you want to start in the world of Crossfit or are you already advanced in it? In both the first case and the second, our team is prepared to help you achieve things you thought were impossible.

CrossFit is for everyone and we want to prove it to you. Under our affiliate name of CrossFit Courage we have created different levels to adapt CrossFit to your needs, especially if you have never tried it. We will make sure you are not afraid.

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Constant training and learning are one of our maxims when it comes to working. We are in continuous learning and training of knowledge in various areas: sports, coaching, management, etc.

To achieve this we always work from the inside out, being the first to champion a change, the change we seek with our company philosophy.

Each member of the team seeks the full development of their athletes and their teammates. Global well-being leads to individual well-being. This translates into a great work environment and, above all, a better experience in the box.